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Apply Now for the 2025 OAYI Youth Advisory Board
Monday, January 13, 2025
The OAYI Youth Advisory Board (YAB)—formally the Youth National Opioid and Wellness (YNOW) Task Force—aims to create collaborative opportunities for emerging leaders ages 18 to 24 to improve support for youth and families impacted by opioids and other substance use disorders through the lens of their lived experiences. Join the Task Force for the opportunity to partner with key stakeholders to inform effective strategies for successfully and sustainably engaging young people in programs and services. Check out the recruitment flyer for more details about the board and the application!
Apply Now for the 2025 OAYI Youth Advisory Board
Harm Reduction – Core Concept, Real-Life Implications, and HIV+ Vampires
Friday, December 13, 2024
This article explains that while abstinence is the ideal outcome, it is not always realistic or achievable for individuals struggling with addiction. Harm reduction strategies, such as naloxone distribution, medication-assisted treatment, and syringe service programs, aim to keep people alive and empower them to make safer choices on their own terms. The article also presents a real-life example of applying harm reduction principles to a unique situation involving a client who identifies as a "vampire." By focusing on education and empowerment, the article provides information on how harm reduction can be used to build trust, respect, and positive relationships with individuals who may be engaging in high-risk behaviors.
Harm Reduction – Core Concept, Real-Life Implications, and HIV+ Vampires
The Inaugural Youth Summit: Embracing the Youth Experience
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
The inaugural OAYI Youth Summit: Embracing the Youth Experience was a 2-day event held in Orlando, Florida, which brought together young leaders, professionals, and community advocates to address the opioid, stimulant, and substance use crisis affecting young people and their families. The summit focused on the intersection of substance use and mental health, promoting trauma-informed care, and empowering youth through leadership development and advocacy. Participants engaged in youth-led sessions, workshops, and panel discussions to share their experiences, build collaborative connections, and develop action plans for addressing substance use issues in their communities. The summit aimed to amplify the voices of youth, provide them with essential skills for leadership and advocacy, and create a platform for their active involvement in shaping solutions and driving social change.
The Inaugural Youth Summit: Embracing the Youth Experience